Local florists ready for Valentine’s Day


It’s almost Valentine’s Day, a celebration when romance reigns supreme and many people exchange cards, candy, clothing, and gifts of flowers. And this year may be much more than a one-day holiday.

“Valentine’s has become much more than a one-day celebration,” said John Dick, who owns and operates Atwood Florists at 1041 Atwood Ave., while transforming a glass high-heeled shoe into a lavish floral arrangement accented with roses. “This year, for example, it’ll be a four-day event.”

With Valentine’s falling on a Sunday this year – and being followed by President’s Day on Monday – Dick said that in most cases, having flowers delivered to a loved one’s workplace wouldn’t be possible. Therefore, he pointed out, Valentine’s will most likely turn into a four-day celebration and run from Thursday to Sunday.

And in keeping with tradition, most men will be buying roses, which Dick said are priced according to whether or not they are long- or short-stemmed or featured in a number of different size arrangements that could include everything from chocolates to cards to even stuffed animals.

Susan Falso, who owns and operates Cherry Hill Florists at 265 Greenville Ave. in Johnston, echoed Dick’s sentiments by saying: “Roses are absolutely the favorite Valentine’s Day flower.”

“Roses are romantic, that’s why people buy them,” she said. “And, there are all different prices, depending upon the size and arrangement.”

Falso also noted that tulips are a popular flower people send or use in arrangements for their loved ones, and that some folks often buy or send mixed floral arrangements for that special Valentine’s gift.


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