To the editor,
Hello, it's me again. It's time to say thank you to the amazing group of residents who signed up for and stayed involved in the fight against Green Development and their Winsor III Project. Each and every one of you showed up time and time again until it was the public's turn to speak, and speak you did. Through your presence, signatures on a petition and letters, an amazing thing happened here in the town. You spoke from the heart, and your devotion to the cause worked. Thank you to the members of the Johnston Zoning Board. As Chairman Lopardo stated, there was a lot to consider, a lot to digest. You listened to us. You saw the concern on people's faces. You made the right decision for the residents and the town.
Time and time again I heard things like, “Why do you care? You can't see from your house. It's a done deal.”
But the strength in numbers gave me hope. The residents prevailed. So you see, you can make a difference. Your elected officials cannot read minds. They do not know how you feel unless you tell them. You did just that.
A huge thank you to Councilman Robert Civetti, who stood with his constituents for all the right reasons. A true public servant. Thank you to Attorney Matt Landry for all your hard work and a spot on presentation. And thank you to Rory Schuler of the Johnston Sun Rise, Amanda Milkovits from the Boston Globe and Jim Hummel of the Hummel Report. You helped us get the word out. I believe that made a significant difference. Keep up your good work.
Gratefully yours,
Karen Cappelli Chadwick, Johnston
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