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There were two people that objected to the endorsements on the supposed 50 checks or whatever,Miss Bianco and her Mother ! There was absolutely no malice involved,Mr Russo was merely collecting money that he put up for a feildtrip that had to be prebooked, so any sane parent that had a child go on the fieldtrip did not even question it because they new the price ahead of time and also new that Mr Russo had organized it.Maybe some practices need to be enforced in some of these fundraising events but why all of a sudden and why the brother of the head of the town council ,and why someone who would never steal a penny from anyone ? My children have all benefited from having Mr Russo as a Mentor and educator at first they were not big fans of his but towards the end of their HS careers did nothing but praise him for helping and guiding them on to bieng professional and stronger individuals , he picked on all kids but was always in a joking non malicious way in order to try to bring them out of thier shells and get them involved .with the winners of JHS ! We did not come from money nor were we part of the in crowd but all 3 of my children today are young professionals and speaking to each all will tell you that MR Russo had a great deal to do with them pushing on educationally and professionally ! They were all picked on by him(in a good way) and pushed to their limits and each is grateful for him doing that !! For it is those who are too politically correct that cannot understand nor handle this!!Stop coddling your children and grow a pair because its a tough world out there that only a great educator like this can prepare one for .They all dittoed the fact that he was there for any student that needed the help or showed they cared about their education and most of his time was dedicated towards those,and none of mine were on the school committee or cheering squads but did retain the facts that MR Russo employed that their education would prove to be most valuable one day !

From: Let’s set things straight: In defense of Greg Russo, one of Johnston’s finest

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