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As a registered voter in Rhode Island I agree that Donald Trump is not the solution. But from the political Left I still see Trump as the ironic victim of an hysterical and hypocritical GOP establishment smear campaign. Where in his past was entertainer, business tycoon Donald Trump ever associated with a type of KKK bigotry incompatible with public celebrity ?

Has the GOP establishment suddenly gone soft on identity politics and " political correctness " ? What about Carson thinking no Muslim should be running for president ? What about GOP establishment inspired Islamophobia -even homophobia ?

My tentative " solution " also reflects the ANGRY VOTER: I feel the Bern. Bernie Sanders- avoiding stale identity politics-is focused on unacceptable economic inequality in the United States. This " socialist " is really more a New Deal Democrat.

But Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau has just criticized Americans in general for ignoring the big world. Which presidential candidate will speak out against war preparations in the Middle East and the New Colonialism ( masked as the " war on terrorism ) ?

The Angry Voter should be Time Magazine Person of the Year ( 2016 ) .

And having just taken Maine away from neo-Democrat Hillary Clinton , Sanders will do quite well here in the Rhode Island Democratic Primary. If class trumps race here, Sanders will win big.

From: Not Trump

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