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Things a little slow in Smithfield Mr. Berwick? It's an election year so drag out the numbers...Please remember, It was former candidate for Governor, Tony Pires, who originally had the faze out the car tax plan...Only problem was they never figured out a $200M revenue stream to replace it..

Then there was the assumption in a State budget article that gambling, lottery, etc. would grow at a 15% rate over 5 years...HUH? Look at the revenue numbers from the CT. casinos over the last 6 years...better? Now we have the pie in the sky proponents of this nonsense in Tiverton...All based on TV ads...SO, where did you get your revenue projections? What group or organization is saying we would double gas sales? Remains to be seen if the people are finally awake as to the dire condition the economy of this State is in.....

As to the travesty of the non rollout of the "new" DHS computer system, Why aren't Roberts, and that idiot Director being fired? Where is chairman McNamara of the HEW committee? No hearings on the status of the system? These are the types of things going on that shake a thinking citizen right to their core...Nice plan Berwick, call me a doubting Thomas based on passed results.

From: Reduce gas tax & fix RI roads, bridges

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