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@Sam Parente I agree with the heart of your column just change "liberal" to "leftist". It may have been Jefferson that said and I paraphrase "If it doesn't break my leg or pick my pocket, do as you wish".

@John Stark 1. The role of Government in our free society should be to protect individual rights. To do that I do think basic education, emergency services, fire, rescue and police and infrastructure. Social programs should be left to churches and civic groups.

2. See above.

3. Not many and those that we do, not well.

@Kammy Everyone is a special interest group and has a Right to tell their Government what they think. What we don't have is too many politicians in this for the power and not to serve the People. When there is a bribe of a politician I don't think it's the briber that should be prosecuted, its the Government official that should be strong enough to refuse. If they're not they need to step down. See my 1st answer to John Stark.

From: Electorate smart enough to understand liberal, conservative slants

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