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Justanidiot: I guess I would be sensitive to the message if I knew exactly what the message was in the first place, and whether it had validity. Blacks make up just 13% of the US population, but account for 52.6% of Murder and Non-Negligent Homicides, 54.5% of Robberies, 41.8% of Weapons Violations, and 33.3% of Aggravated Assaults according to 2017 FBI crime data. Given the seeming propensity of one group to commit a vastly disproportionate number of crimes, it should not be surprising that blacks are killed during the commission of said crimes. In 2016, a black man was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by another black man than by police. In Chicago, a city that is 32% black, 71% of gun-related perpetrators are black, and 75% of the victims are black. If the "brave" and "courageous" kneelers in the NFL, most of whom are also black, truly wish to 'deliver a message', they could start by being fathers to their children and calling on fellow blacks to stop killing one another, which is what attracts police in the first place! Such actions might just have a real, and desperately needed impact while avoiding political posturing. I won't hold my breath.

From: More than just numbers

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