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The two-time election reject should also thank the Beacon for three years of unpaid political advertising that he has posted in the comments on this website, including repeated falsehoods, with minimal oversight or moderation by the editorial staff.

It is likely that their decision -- which is certainly within their managements rights to make, as owners of the website -- rests on the fact that the two-time election reject had essentially no chance to be elected, would willingly show how badly he could humiliate himself with his comments, and would have the true and verifiable information about him provided by other commenters, all of which turned out to be true.

Thus, the Beacon should be commended for providing the "real news" about the two-time election reject with little to no effort, as he has willingly and repeatedly exposed himself to be a liar and tax delinquent on their website.

From: Participation is essential to democracy

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