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Jane, only a sexist would deny the other gender the right to comment on a subject. No, men do not bear children but we do contribute half the DNA. That child is as much ours as yours. Also, I did not mention denying for rape or incest. Funny how women love to go to the extreme case (rapes count for less than 1% of unwanted pregnancies) to make their pro-death opinion meaningful.

The bottom line is this: Abortion is an awful thing to have to think about. It is absolutely difficult. It is always FATAL for the unborn child. Abortion should never be used as birth control. Abortions should be extremely rare. Killing babies should never be easy.

I resent the stance that a man cannot have an opinion on abortion. Probably the most sexist, ignorant comment from the pro-death folk. I know men who have deeply, sorrowfully, mourned their aborted child and wish they never agreed to/helped pay for it. G_d will judge us all Jane. He will judge us all.

From: Protecting abortion rights in RI

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